Monday 27 February 2012

Well Done 10R1

10R1 Art have been working extremely hard since the beginning of
September and are showing real talent and enthusiasm for the

Not only did they contact internally known Artist Sarah Graham
to discuss their work inspired by her Art work they also invited her
in for the day.

Sarah Graham came and showed 10R1 how she paints and uses subject

The students are tackling many new meduims  that they have never
used before such as Oils and are showing fantastic progress in these.

I could'nt be more proud of a class that I am of 10R1 right now

Mrs A Radford


Well Done To Anton Bennett Year 9

Anton has worked extremely hard, he has made positive progress
over recent weeks.

His attendance has dramatically improved,  and so has his learning
and attitude towards others.

keep up the good work.

Ms a robins

Thursday 23 February 2012

Well Done to Jerome Sylvester in Year 8

I want to celebrate the exceptional standard of some of the year 8 half term ART homework projects that
were recently handed in.

In particular, Jerome Sylvester (8.1), who spent a whole week building his outstanding figurative sculpture,
and documenting every step with photographs.

This young man has incredible artistic ability, and his work has deeply inspired my current GCSE art
students and the other key stage 3 year group.

I feel privileged  to be his art teacher. 


Nikki Cannon

Well Done To Year 7

Well done
Rendijs Klaks and Sultan Choudhury in year 7
for being the first to unravel  the word search.............................


Keep up the good work.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Art and Photography Students Yr 11


Year 11
 Art and Photography students are in their countdown to their exam now.

With only 5 school weeks to go.
They have responded well to their exam papers and are all working very hard.
Each student have their own sketchbook to complete before their exam and
all of the students are on target.

Edenham Students are pushing themselves to the highest limit.

Mrs A Radford

What a Beautiful Vase and Flowers

                                This picture was painted by Chloe Dellaway in Year 7

                                                     Well Done Chloe

Monday 20 February 2012

Friday 10 February 2012

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Music is part of my everyday life,
it's the one thing that makes me feel alive.
No matter what it could be,
all music influences me.

Music teaches me everything I do,
After hearing the words, you know it suits you.
Without music I don't know what I would do,
when I'm feeling bad it's the only place I can go to.

Music is my life, my desire,
As I listen, it builds me higher.
No matter what kind, rock, country, or rap,
you can't convince me that any of it is crap.

Whatever you're feeling, whether its happy, sad or fear,
just turn it up and listen to what you hear.
To me music could never go wrong,
I could listen to it all day long

Music to my ears

Music is part of my everyday life,
it's the one thing that makes me feel alive.
No matter what it could be,
all music influences me.

Music teaches me everything I do,
After hearing the words, you know it suits you.
Without music I don't know what I would do,
when I'm feeling bad it's the only place I can go to.

Music is my life, my desire,
As I listen, it builds me higher.
No matter what kind, rock, country, or rap,
you can't convince me that any of it is crap.

Whatever you're feeling, whether its happy, sad or fear,
just turn it up and listen to what you hear.
To me music could never go wrong,
I could listen to it all day long

A Good Friend

No other friend is quite like you,
No other friend could do exactly what you do.
No other friend could listen to my dreams,
No matter how weird it all seems.
You're the one thats there for me when i need a friend,
We're gonna be tight till the end.
We always have fun when we are together,
We always find something to do no matter what the weather.
No other friend could understand me like you do,
I dont know what i would do without a friend like you

A Teacher Like You

If only you could see all the smiles you bring me
If only you could see all the help you gave me
If only you could see all the times you helped me

Than you would know what it is like to have a teacher like you

You helped me with all my problems
You helped me with all my work
You helped me with all my respect
You helped me know what it is like to have a teacher like you

No matter what I will be so proud to call you my teacher.

Thank You



They really don't see
how much this effects me.
I tell them over and over again
but they just don't want to listen.
They laugh and they giggle
and tell the whole world
YEAH! that's because their
the typical popular girl.
When I put them in their place
they go and be two faced.
Middle school sucks I hope
in high school I will have better luck.
All the drama
the haters,
backstabbers, and liars
you got to pick your friends
like you are walking on fire.
I used to have one good friend
that was there till the end
then she got a boyfriend
and now its a never again.
All the guys,
the lies,
the rumors,
and the facts
karmas a BITCH
so you better step back.
Shouting things that don't
need to be shouted.
Finding a true friend,
Ah ha I doubt it.
Screaming in you face
just want to kick their ass,
do it
your done
now walk away with some class.
Flirting is not so bad
It's a sigh of affection.
Fighting in the hallways
Automatic DETENTION!
Walking around
all alone
gives you time to think
all the strength you've grown.
Now that I'm stronger
I'll fight and defend
because I'm a true friend
and will always be there in the End.